

  1. Geometric invariants for p-groups of class 2 and exponent p, joint with E. A. O'Brien (arXiv).

Accepted for publication:

  1. Smooth cuboids in group theory, joint with J. Maglione, to appear in Algebra & Number Theory (arXiv).


  1. Valued rank-metric codes, joint with Y. El Maazouz, M. A. Hahn, A. Neri, J. Algebra Appl. 24(4): 2550116 (2025), DOI (arXiv).

  2. On homomorphic encryption using abelian groups: classical security analysis, joint with E. Agathocleous, V. Anupindi, A. Bachmayr, C. Martindale, R. Y. Njah Nchiwo, Women in Numbers Europe 4 - Research Directions in Number Theory 1-27 (2024), DOI (arXiv).

  3. A proof of the Etzion-Silberstein conjecture for monotone and MDS-constructible Ferrers diagrams, joint with A. Neri, J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 208 : 105937 (2024), DOI (arXiv).

  4. Subspaces fixed by a nilpotent matrix, joint with M. A. Hahn, G. Nebe, B. Sturmfels, Orbita Math. 1(1) : 1-15 (2024), DOI (arXiv).

  5. Orbits classifying extensions of prime power order groups, joint with O. Garaialde Ocaña, Int. J. Group Theory 13(1) : 63-95 (2024), DOI (arXiv).

  6. On finite d-maximal groups, joint with A. Lucchini, L. Sabatini, Bull. London Math. Soc. 56, 1054-1070 (2024), DOI (arXiv).

  7. Abelian invariants and a reduction theorem for the modular isomorphism problem, joint with L. Margolis, T. Sakurai, J. Algebra 636, 533-559 (2023), DOI (arXiv).

  8. Submodule codes as spherical codes in buildings, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 91, 2449-2472 (2023), DOI (arXiv).

  9. Cryptographic multilinear maps using pro-p groups, joint with D. Kahrobaei, Adv. Math. Commun. 17(5) : 1101-1114 (2023), DOI (arXiv).

  10. On group invariants determined by modular group algebras: even versus odd characteristic, joint with D. García-Lucas, Á. del Río, Algebr. Represent. Theory 26, 2683-2707 (2023), DOI (arXiv).

  11. Bolytrope Orders, joint with Y. El Maazouz, G. Nebe, Int. J. Number Theory, vol. 19, no. 05, 937-954 (2023), DOI (arXiv).

  12. Orders and Polytropes: Matrix Algebras from Valuations, joint with Y. El Maazouz, M. A. Hahn, G. Nebe, B. Sturmfels, Beitr. Algebra Geom. 63, 515-531 (2022), DOI (published version, arXiv).

  13. On the Modular Isomorphism Problem for groups of class 3 and obelisks, joint with L. Margolis, J. Group Theory, vol. 25, no. 1, 163-206 (2022), DOI (arXiv).

  14. Toric varieties from cyclic matrix semigroups, joint with F. Galuppi, Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste vol. 53 (2021), no. 17, pp. 1-17 (electronic) URI (arXiv).

  15. Intense automorphisms of finite groups, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 273 (2021), no. 1341, DOI (arXiv).

  16. Hessian matrices, automorphisms of p-groups, and torsion points of elliptic curves, joint with C. Voll, Math. Ann. 381, 593-629 (2021), DOI. (arXiv)
    In this video, I explain some of the ideas from this article to a general mathematical audience: video, belonging to the Research Spotlight collection of the MPI MiS Leipzig.

  17. Evolving groups, Arch. Math. 111, 3-12 (2018), DOI. (published version, arXiv)

