Mima Stanojkovski

Manneken Pis-thagoras and I

Office 2-66 Povo 0
Università di Trento, Dipartimento di Matematica
via Sommarive 14
38123 Povo di Trento (TN), Italy

name.surname (at) unitn.it

I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor (RTD-b in Algebra) at the University of Trento since October 2022 and since November 2022 I am funded by the national program Rita Levi Montalcini. My main research interests lie in the realm of group theory, in a broader sense. I like questions about the structure and geometry of algebraic objects, as well as isomorphism and classification problems: with this regard, I specialize in p-groups. I am also a member of Trento's Tensordec LAB.

I obtained my PhD from Leiden University in September 2017: my dissertation, with title "Intense automorphisms of finite groups", was supervised by Hendrik Lenstra. After my PhD, from 2017 to 2019, I have been a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Christopher Voll at Bielefeld University. In 2019, I have joined the Nonlinear Algebra group of Bernd Sturmfels at the MPI MiS Leipzig and, from 2021 to 2022, I have also held a postdoc position at RWTH Aachen University, in the group of Gabriele Nebe (funded by the SFB-TRR 195 Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application).


Since 2023, I am a member of the national group GNSAGA and also one of the organizers of Trento's Mathematical Colloquium. The next appointment is scheduled for October 30th, 2024 - stay tuned!

In May 2023, I was awarded one of the prizes Premio InnerWheel per la Donna 2023 of the division "Distretto 206 - Italia" of the international association InnerWheel.

In September 2022, I was recruited as part of the national program Rita Levi Montalcini for young researchers. A list of all the winners can be found here.

In February 2022, I was awarded one of 11 postdoctoral scholarships from the Daimler and Benz Foundation. A list of all the winners can be found here.

For the first time in his life, on September 24th, 2021, Manneken Pis was dressed as a mathematician!
You can see Manneken Pis-thagoras and myself posing together on the top right corner of this page ↗

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